What’s the Plan?
Mount Airy sure has seen some changes over the past 30 years, including phenomenal residential growth in The 21771. The demand has remained constant over the years and the shortage of available homes for sale in our current market makes it appear we have not kept up with the demand. As residents, we often look at the developers as the big bad wolves anxious to snatch up our farm fields to plant houses as far as the eye can see. But when the children we’ve raised here want to settle and raise their children here, when our parents want to downsize and stay near their friends and family in the area they grew up in, and there is no house for them to buy or lease, affordable or not, we look to the town, to the counties and to the developers to ask: What’s the plan?
Residential planning decisions and those who bring them to the table are necessary. Personally, as a REALTOR® and resident, I haven’t agreed with all the planning decisions made over the years in Frederick and Carroll Counties or The Town of Mt Airy. But I do believe our elected officials have tried hard to explore and fight for the right balance of growth for us.
Taking into consideration an increasing and always shifting population and the impact of this on our environment is part of the planning process. I think I speak for everyone when I say it is our wish that we all work together to help our planners manage the growth, that instead of trying to stop the inevitable we help mold it to be the best it can be for all. While doing so, we will respect the needs and wants of our citizens and we will respect every landowner’s fundamental and legal rights – be they to develop or to preserve their land.